Celebrating a Love Story: Renwick Bell Ornament Release

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Opening Reception:  Friday, February 2, 6-9pm
Exhibition Dates: February 2-February 28

Join PONSHOP as they unveil the release in the second of their "Fredericksburg Bell Series" Ornaments on “First Friday” of February. Designed by Print Jazz (Pete Morelewicz) and produced by Craftwork Studios (301 Lafayette Blvd.), PONSHOP is excited to showcase this collaborative series. The Renwick Bell is rendered on a 3" diameter ceramic ornament with a custom commemorative illustration.

In the 1820s, Silas Wood fell in love and married Julia Ann Chew, a native of Fredericksburg. In 1828, as a token of his love and since he considered the city as a place where he spent “the happiest days of [his] life,” he presented the city of Fredericksburg with a “suitable bell for the public use.” Since Miss Chew—a southern belle—was leaving the city, Silas felt compelled to gift the city with another bell.

To create the Renwick Bell Ornament design, the owners of PONSHOP, Gabriel and Scarlett Pons, visited the former Fredericksburg Courthouse (805 Princess Anne St.) to photograph, measure, and sketch the historic bell. They collaborated with local illustrator Pete Morelewicz and Craftworks Studio to fabricate the limited edition pieces.  Join PONSHOP in celebrating Fredericksburg’s love story this month.

PONSHOP is a multifaceted storefront: an artist studio, gallery, retail store, and classroom.  The vision of the owners, Scarlett and Gabriel Pons, is to provide a place that embodies what they love: art, design, and creative education.  The gallery/shop features a variety of work from artists both near and far.  PONSHOP provides workshops for students interested in everything from painting, ceramics, and architecture to street art and skateboarding.  “We Don’t Buy Gold or Guns, We Sell Art.”